Discover how a young boy growing up in the small village of Hannibal became one of the world’s most beloved authors.
A self-guided tour of the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum gives you the chance to explore the Hannibal of Samuel Clemens and experience the amazing stories he created through the power of his imagination.
The properties include six historically significant buildings; including the boyhood home of Samuel Clemens, a National Historic Landmark, plus two interactive museums whose collections include 15 original Norman Rockwell paintings and a wealth of Twain artifacts and first editions.
Experience interactive exhibits, live performances, historic artifacts, treasured Clemens family belongings, original Norman Rockwell paintings and other items.
Admission: $12; ages 60+, $10; ages 6-17, $6; younger than 6, free.
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum Properties are open year-round, except on major Holidays.
Monday – Sunday | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm November through March